// this script is free to use
// var nummidi stands for the number of quotes given
var nummidi = 22
day = new Date()
seed = day.getTime()
ran = parseInt(((seed - (parseInt(seed/1000,10) * 1000))/10)/100*nummidi
+ 1,10)
if (ran == (23))
words=("You who awaken us!
You will sleep an endless sleep!!
-Statues of Sun and Moon")
if (ran == (22))
words=("Gender diversity sensitivity training available at the Inn.
-Sign in Amazones (GBC)")
if (ran == (21))
words=("It would be nice to rest easy from now on, without the threat of evil at our backs.
if (ran == (20))
words=("You shall receive the wrath of my fury for taking my kingdom away from me!
-Emperor Draygon")
if (ran == (19))
words=("I have nothing to say.
if (ran == (18))
words=("You must bow down before me!
-Zebu's cocky 1st pupil")
if (ran == (17))
words=("Hey!! There's a guy coming out of the cave!
-Leaf woman")
if (ran == (16))
words=("I'm Emperor Draygon! Show me your power!
-Emperor Draygon")
if (ran == (15))
words=("Go! Mesia is waiting!
if (ran == (14))
words=("Don't rely on others so much.
if (ran == (13))
Your level is increased!")
if (ran == (12))
words=("Let's play.
if (ran == (11))
words=("You're nothing to fear... Be proud of it!
-Mado (2nd time)")
if (ran == (10))
words=("You must be tired... So rest forever in darkness!
if (ran == (9))
words=("Avenge his death for me!
if (ran == (8))
words=("Long time no see.
-Sahara resident (to Stom during 'Change')")
if (ran == (7))
words=("The weather is pretty nasty, but it keeps Draygonia away.
-Sahara resident")
if (ran == (6))
words=("Yo! Akahana! You look good.
-Goa resident (to Akahana during 'Change')")
if (ran == (5))
words=("I will enjoy destroying you!
-Sabera (2nd time)")
if (ran == (4))
words=("Yah man, let's boogie!
-Swan resident")
if (ran == (3))
words=("Draygonia... Wise men... who cares. Let's party!
-Swan resident")
if (ran == (2))
words=("Ha! Ha! I'm Mado! I destroyed those silly wise men against the Emperor.
if (ran == (1))
words=("I hate people who are pushy.
document.write('' + words + ' ')
Hero: You. The wizard who was cryogenically frozen 100 years ago during the Great War. Called Simea (an anagram of Mesia) in the GBC version
Mesia: Your female wizard friend who speaks to you throughout the game
The Wise Men
Zebu: The first wise man you meet, located in the cave near Leaf. Teaches you Refresh and Paralysis magic
Tornel: The second wise man, found near Brynmaer at his Training Studio where he teaches Stom. Teaches you Telepathy and Teleport magic
Asina: Disguised as the Queen of Portoa
and the fortune teller
. Teaches you Recover & Barrier magic
Kensu: Located in Swan and at the lighthouse. Teaches you Change magic if you give him the Love Pendant at Swan, and Flight after you change him back from a monster
Azteca: The Grand Puba, the head honcho of the wise men(and woman)
Draygonia's Finest
General Kelbseque: The first of Draygonia's Finest Four. First met on Mt. Sabre North, receive Flame Bracelet when you defeat him
Sabera: Fight her in the Angry Sea area to get the Broken Statue
Mado: Fight him at Shyron to get the Ball of Thunder
Karmine: Only found in the Goa Fortress, get the Ivory Statue to bring Kensu back to normal when you defeat him
Emperor Draygon: The villain himself in his first form. Get the Psycho Armor when you defeat him
Draygon: The emperor in his true form, kill him to enter the Tower
DYNA: The final boss in the game, the computer controlling the Tower, defeat it with the Crystalis Sword
Other Bosses
Vampire: Fight him in the Windmill Cave to get the Rabbit Boots, fight it again in the Angry Sea area to get a Fruit of Power
Giant Insect: Call him with the Insect Flute and defeat him to receive the Ball of Fire in the swamp around Oak
Akahana: Gives you the Gas Mask in Brynmaer, the Shield Ring near Portoa, and the Warrior Ring when you change into him in Goa
Stom: Fight him at Tornel's Training Studio, Change into Stom to get Deo's Pendant from Deo at Sahara
Clark: Gives you the X-Ray Goggles
Aryllis: Chief of Amazones, give her the Kirisa Plant to get the Bow of Moon, find Blizzard Bracelet in her palace basement
Dolphin: Your friend from the sea after you aid him with a Medical Herb, use the Shell Flute to call him and travel on his back
Leaf Elder: Gives you Sword of Wind, rescue him on Mt. Sabre later
Kid from Oak: The kid you have to rescue to obtain the dwarves' favor
Oak Elder: Gives you the Sword of Fire and the Insect Flute after you rescue the kid
Evans: Teaches etiquette at Portoa
Rage: Guardian of the Ball of Water at the Sacred Lime Tree
Ralph: Elder of Joel and Clark's brother
Deo: Rabbit who lives outside Sahara. Friend of Stom and will give you the Deo's Pendant if you Change into Stom.

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