Welcome to your home for Crystalis on the internet! Crystalis, a classic adventure/RPG game, is one of the greatest titles ever (in this guy's opinion) for the NES (Well at least good enough to be rereleased). I got Crystalis probably back around 1991-92 when I was a young lad of about 6 or 7. My brother and I were in Toys R Us and I remember wanting to get the game because the box cover was cool--we had never heard of it before--plus it was only 16 bucks, a pretty good deal. This page contains general information from the game that is found in the instruction booklet and also contains pictures, music, downloads, the NES ROM, walkthroughs, and more. Hopefully I'll be of aid if you want play the game but you lost the booklet (and are utterly confused by what a 'Tanned Hide' is), if you're stuck somewhere, or if you just want to make sure you're not the only person who thinks this game rocks (It was #59 a few years back on Nintendo Power's top 100 games for any Nintendo system).
Crystalis was released by the SNK Corporation in July of 1990, and was released in Japan under the title "God Slayer". The company went on to make the Neo-Geo system and Neo-Geo Pocket. If anyone has more information on them, please email me. I found a list of all the games they have published (as of a fairly long time ago): SNK Games. In June 2000, Nintendo rereleased Crystalis on the Game Boy Color (GBC); there are a few small changes in game play and Nintendo worked to tie the plot more closely together, as SNK had to neglect the plot when releasing the NES version in order to meet their deadline.
Many people have asked me how to get the game, while there used to be some places to find used NES games (e.g. Funcoland) I 'm not aware of any still dealing in them. The only good source I know of is e-bay. If anyone has had luck elsewhere, let me know. There are also many sites like 1980-games.com that link to Java versions of a bunch of NES games. Alas this doesn't allow for saving but is nice for quick fix.
You can also play Crystalis by using an emulator. An emulator is a program you can get off the internet that makes your computer act as an NES or any other video game system. The best of these, in my experience, are RockNES and Nesticle. You can easily find a place to download them on the internet by typing either of them in on a search engine, or by merely going to zophar.net. Then you need to get the Crystalis ROM which is located in the "Downloads" section. Note: when you play the game on Nesticle you will sometimes see some blue crap flickering at the bottom, to fix this go to "Scroll Fix 2" under the "Settings" menu (thanks to RPG Classics for this info).
- 08/02/2004-Added NSF audio file to the music section.
- 08/11/2004-Major updates to the Crystalis walkthrough. I'm also in the process of making a GBC version of the walkthrough.
- 12/27/2004-Added link to a group working on a Crystalis remake.
- 03/17/2005-Added the sound of Teleport magic when you click the "Go" buttons. I'm quite fond of it, hope you enjoy. Happy St. Patrick's.
- 06/20/2005-Added a section on Godslayer under 'Fanstuff' thanks to a fan's contributions of some great artwork from the original Japanese packaging.
- 11/04/2005-Finally added some stuff to the fan section; check it out and submit some stuff. On a somewhat related note, does anyone happen to have a copy of the Crystalis winamp skin i made? I no longer seem to have it and it's no longer up on the winamp site. E-mail me if so.
- 01/30/2006-Added a navigation page for people who had issues with the drop down boxes; still not sure what causes the problem as it works fine for me with Firefox 1.5, but some people have had problems with the same browser.
- 07/05/2006-Minor fix in walkthrough. Here's a neat link, Game Spot ranks top 10 NES games putting Crystalis in its Honorable Mention... not bad. Also fixed link for Gamefaqs' Message Board. I also turned the song player's autostart option to "false," I think it can get a bit annoying when you reach the page and 8-bit sounds blasts your ears. unfortuantely this fix only works in IE.. still waiting on Firefox. Added a link to Nintendo Repair Shop, a company that will fix your old systems. Pretty neat. Also neat is Console Classix which offers a form of legal online emulation.
- 12/27/2007-Recently noticed I had not a single 2007 update. Just wanted to say hi to all and that yes, I still answer (and enjoy) email, etc. Maybe 2008 will even have some legit updates... who knows! But Happy New Year in any event.
- 01/20/2008-A surprising update with 2008 less than a month old! I haven't looked at the intro paragraphs too much over the years and realized they were lacking in both proper grammar and more-recent information. Also, a belated Happy 10th Anniversary to the site! The site first began in Fall 1997... wow. Many thanks for all the emails I've received over the years (and keep them coming!), hopefully this site will continue to spark some old memories and even inspire some gamers new to Crystalis.
- 09/18/2008-Added some games to the If you liked Crystalis... page and some nice fanart to the Fan section. Particularly note the project Anthony McCloud is working on in porting Crystalis to 3-D; he's looking for people that are familiar with the coding to help him out... if that's you, send him an e-mail (more details in fan section).
- 09/18/2008-Another update, woo: also fixed the music player to not automatically play when the page is loaded, but moved it up to the top to make it's presence more obvious.
- 04/03/2009-Alas it appears the nifty Crystalic page counter no longer (Google cache tells me VGWS is no more). I'll have to find a new alternative.
- 06/08/2009-Added link to a Java version of Crystalis.
- 06/09/2009-Replaced the counter with a new one from statcounter.com.
- 02/13/2011-Just wanted to apologize for the dearth of updates lately (this decade, yeesh)--been busy but will certainly be posting some stuff in the not-too-distant future!--And fear not, I still answer emails.
- 03/16/2011-Thanks to a great fan, I've added a translation to the box back for the Japanese version, God Slayer.
- 03/17/2011-Lots of belated additions to the Fan Section--even sheet music! Thanks to all the submitters.
- 02/25/2011-Added a world map drawn by Thomas Knight to the Fan SectionAlso added a link to his Crystalis web site.

Choose Your Destination
It seems the navigation boxes aren't working on some people's browsers (e.g. Safari); it works fine for me with Firefox 1.5+, if it's not working, find a site index here
- *Note: All pictures, information, music, etc. on this site are copyrights of Nintendo and the SNK Corporation.
- *Another Note: All pictures and snapshots were made by me, Tom, please don't take them without permission.
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Tell me your quick thoughts on the page: what's good, what's bad, and what's missing. Or alert me if I
have any misspelled wrds or grammar bad. If you want a response, however, be sure to e-mail me.
Thanks to Valkhorn.com -
High Quality MIDI Files for the Crystalis midis in the midi player.
Tom Brennan
Web page © Tom Brennan, 1997-2009