Fan Stuff
I just opened this section in hopes that people would submit their own fanart or fanfics, that is of course if they want to submit them and make them. Anything would be cool to have and post here to show other Crystalis fans. You can e-mail me with submissions.
09/18/2008 - Some neat work done by Anthony McCloud... he's also looking for some help with his project to program the Crystalis game in 3-D in the Neverwinter Nights PC game: "Also, I’d really love to find a couple folks who are proficient with the Aurora Toolset, “NWScript” programming, or with Neverwinter Nights module development." Those interested can contact him. Here's a couple of snapshots from his work: The Town of Leaf, Portola, and Mt. Sabre.
09/18/2008 - A couple of sketches by John L., one of some "Goos" and another of an "Ice Zombie"
Here is a Crystalis overworld map drawn by Ninja Guy Dan, check it out
This is jazzy remix of the Mountain Theme also done by Ninja Guy Dan. I dig it.
Check it out. [this file seems to have gotten corrupted...]
03/17/2011 - Thomas Knight has made some really sharp background graphics; three different resolutions are available in this .zip file.
03/17/2011 - Someone sent me this link to some Crystalis music remixes. Man, I'll never forget that Mt. Sabre tune.
03/17/2011 - Not familiar with the game myself, but for those who play Minecraft, Coastercraze has created a Crystalis skin.
03/17/2011 - Very cool--here are some sheet music files for Crystalis. Many thanks to Turbo852 for these. They were made for the ocarina (which should make these extra special for Zelda nerds), but should work just fine for other instruments.
- 03/17/2011 - The very first Crystalis fan fiction I've come across, by Java Bum.
- 02/25/2012 - Another contribution from Thomas Knight, a Crystalis World Map.
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