These things are usually used only once and needed to do certain things in the game.
Insect Flute: If you play this in the forest near Oak, the Insect Monster will appear.
Windmill Key: Needed to make the windmill work in the Valley of
the Wind.
Prison Key: Unlocks the door in the ice maze.
Styx Key: Unlocks the gate to the Underworld.
Fog Lamp: Needed to board the ship which goes from Portoa to the
Shell Flute: Calls the dolphin to help you travel the sea(after
you've helped him).
X-Ray Goggles: Located on Joel Island; lets you see through the
secret storage room. You know it's a good game when it has X-Ray Goggles.
Broken Statue: Becomes whole when you use the Glowing Lamp.
Glowing Lamp: Changes the Broken Statue into the Whole Statue.
Gold Statue: Stops whirlpools in Angry Sea so that you
can cross. Use it at that small altar int he middle of the ocean.
Love Pendant: Give it to a wise man, and he will teach you
Disguise Magic.
Kirisa Plant: Give it to the Chief of hte Amazones and she
will give you one of the three Bows. In the instruction booklet it calls the
Amazones Chief a "he", I don't know what's up with that.
Ivory Statue: Restores Kensu to his normal state.
Bow of the Moon: Destroys the Statue of Moon
Bow of the Sun: Destroys the Statue of Sun
Bow of Truth: Use it to destroy Emperor of Dragonia.
Flute of the Lime Tree: Restores petrified people to
Statue of Onyx: Give it to Akahana in the Town of
Travelers and he will give you the Gas Mask in return.
Tool Items
Worn Items
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