- 1)Wind Valley
- A)Mezame Shrine
- B)Town of Leaf
- C)Cave of wise man, Zebu
- D)Windmill Shed
- E)Sealed Cave

- 2)Cordel Plain
- A)Brynmaer
- B)Tonel's House
- C)Maze of Forest
- 4)Oak Village
- 5)Poisonous Swamp
- 6)Amazones Village
- 3)Mt. Sabre
- A)West Route Entrance
- B)Wise Man Training Place
- C)North Route Entrance
- D)Hut of Nadare
- E)Way of Trails
- F)Guard Station at Barrier
- G)Prison Inside Maze of Ice
- H)Top of Mt. Sabre

- 4)Capital of Water
- A)Portoa
- B)Queen's Palace and Fortuneteller's Home
- C)Cave Under Falls
- D)Lake With Lime Tree
- E)Room Inside Lime Tree
- F)Underground Waterway
- G)Lamp in Cave
- H)Kirisa Plant in a Cave
- I)Boat Rental Shop

- 5)Angry Sea
- A)Hut to Watch Beach
- B)Cave in Sea
- C)Joel Island
- D)Lighthouse on Cape
- E)Evil Spirit Island
- F)Sorceror's Home
- G)Whirlpool
- 6)A Port Town
- A)Swan
- B)Storage at a Inn
- C)Checkpoint
- 7)Mt. Hudra
- A)Entrance to Mt. Hudra Trail
- B)Fortress Shyron
- C)Temple of Wise Man
- D)Cave of Noopah
- E)Temple of Wise Man
- 8)A Fortress City
- A)Castle Town of Goa
- B)From a Way to the Castle to a Middle Gate
- C)From Courtyard to Inside of Castle
- D)From Inside of Castle to Shinto Priest's Altar Room on Highest Floor

- 9)Death Desert
- A)Death Desert
- B)Desert Oasis
- C)Desert Plain
- D)Sahara Town
- E)Pyramid
- F)Underground Cave Leading to Highest Floor of Pyramid
- G)King's Room
- 10)Tower in the Sky
- A)Inside Tower
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